Tuesday, 24 September 2013

What lies will You dispel for me?

Oh those lies that pester us. Turns out my heavenly Daddy had been talking to me for some time about one in particular...and His answer this question was evidence that it was time for it to go for once and for all.

Day 25: What lies will You dispel for me?

God said: Yes Gaylene it's regarding your worth. Remember when you first left MARIA, I talked to you even then about your worth. You knew me then, you knew it was Me speaking. It's about your worth. The lie is that your life is hard and you were made to struggle and suffer. And the truth is you have IMMEASURABLE WORTH to me. You are so valuable I could fill a book

I asked: Really? How can that be true?

He countered: Why do you doubt me?

I said: Well I'm so fragile and messed up and broken and fleshly.

God replied: Gaylene you see; you can admit it. So many can not, will not, DON'T. But you do. It's a lie that your life has no value, that you're just a pawn in some such game I'm playing. You life has worth, value. You are more valuable than rubies, pearls, all the gems. You are mine. More valuable than all the flowers, all the beautiful things in a garden. HOW MUCH MORE GAYLENE do I love you? I want you to dispel this lie to agree with Me. Agree with me.

I wrote: YES LORD.

He continued: I can't have you walking on this earth for even another day not understanding your worth and value to me, to the prayer movement, to the Bride, to the people on your heart. Stop devaluing yourself. This is ME Gaylene telling you this. I love you beyond measure.

Next: Where do you want to meet me today?

Sunday, 15 September 2013

What's the best use of my day?

Even before I got saved I would ask God what He would have me do. Every day in fact. As I progressed through the 40 questions in 40 days, God's answers made sense of things He had been telling me for years...and endure even until today.

Day 24: What is the best use of my day?

God said: Walk and pray.

That Joshua Scripture was not by accident. It spoke to you then and it's speaking to you today.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

I replied: Set a garden in my soul that I can't contain. I want more of You God.

Next: What lies will You dispel for me?

Saturday, 7 September 2013

What in my community brings You joy?

Continuing with my practice of asking God questions over a 40 day period. His answers about my community yielded some intriguing perspectives.

Day 23: What in my community brings You joy?
Where are the bright spots? Why do these things bring You joy? How can I get involved? 
Restore my hope in my community as I see them through Your eyes. Show me what You are up to so I can rejoice with You.

God said: A Jewish mayor who is open to Christians and my issues. 

I was a bit startled and replied: Really? 

Really Gaylene. Why would you doubt that? It's not just manipulative for votes. It's a true hunger for deeper things. 

There are more like him. More Jews that desire Me, desire My Son, that haven't even heard the gospel yet they yearn. That brings me joy. Because only My Son will do. They don't know the full story but they ARE the full story. 

Now think about it...it's no coincidence that you have a Jewish Christian-friendly mayor. It's significant. It means something. It's PROPHETIC in fact.

Next: What's the best use of my day?